Friday, 31 August 2007

And others too

There are lots of good games around at the moment, and I like the Bratz website, so I've added some cool links to Bratz pages here for you. Any comments?

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Ah, how I love those Webkinz

Hello again. I've been busy playing all sorts of games, and the best of the lot is CLub Penguin, urm, I mean I love WebKins!

So, I've searched all over the web for webkins resources, and this is the best: A discussion forum for webkins fans! Why not sign up and try it...

Tuesday, 22 May 2007

My first ever cheat post

Hello, I'm just testing this! And the funny thing is, everyone keeps asking me for cheats on how to get Webkinz wish tokens by cheating! Lol! I know about 10000 ways. Ha ha ha let me see... Ok, so the nicest way to get those lovely tokens on Webkinz is to... umm. let's see. More next time!!!