Tuesday 23 March 2010

Introducing: Club Penguin Fast Money

Right now we are going to describe Club Penguin fast money. Disney's Club Penguin is no fun without enough cash to spend. One approach that can earn you a lot of money$ is the game of min-cart surfing. The main technique is to think of the very cash earning moves and repeat them tons. It doesn't get wealth super quick but it always does after a while. It can be dull but that's ok it always works eventually. Now, here we have one more funny tactic that occassionaly brings results. What you do is, u have to do a little begging from other Club Penguin players to give you stuff. I once persuaded someone to lend me their whole penguin with tons of money$ with it. I don't claim that this is genius, however it could do the biz if you are pursuasive. And that is all about Club Penguin fast money, see you next time for Club Penguin wealth secrets. Cheerio!

Wednesday 10 March 2010

Finding the 150th Newspaper Pin

I tell you that the 150th Newspaper Pin is not too rare. This pin was located at the Boiler Room I seem to remember. It certainly doesn't appear jazzy, but it sure is brilliant to me. Here is what this pin looks like.

Tuesday 7 October 2008

I am embarrased!

I can't believe that it has been so long since I wrote on here. I had even forgotten the password. But now I am back!
First, I have been collecting Cheat Codes for the PS2. I have collectred these cheats for a long time now and they are good!

And on the subject of Carbon Cheats, I have those too. Not soo good though!
Finally, does anyone still play with NeoPets? If so, let me say that they remain cool.

Next time I will bring you some Club Penguin Cheats, and I won't take a year over it. Until next time, try this!

Friday 31 August 2007

And others too

There are lots of good games around at the moment, and I like the Bratz website, so I've added some cool links to Bratz pages here for you. Any comments?

Wednesday 29 August 2007

Ah, how I love those Webkinz

Hello again. I've been busy playing all sorts of games, and the best of the lot is CLub Penguin, urm, I mean I love WebKins!

So, I've searched all over the web for webkins resources, and this is the best: A discussion forum for webkins fans! Why not sign up and try it...

Tuesday 22 May 2007

My first ever cheat post

Hello, I'm just testing this! And the funny thing is, everyone keeps asking me for cheats on how to get Webkinz wish tokens by cheating! Lol! I know about 10000 ways. Ha ha ha let me see... Ok, so the nicest way to get those lovely tokens on Webkinz is to... umm. let's see. More next time!!!