Tuesday, 22 May 2007

My first ever cheat post

Hello, I'm just testing this! And the funny thing is, everyone keeps asking me for cheats on how to get Webkinz wish tokens by cheating! Lol! I know about 10000 ways. Ha ha ha let me see... Ok, so the nicest way to get those lovely tokens on Webkinz is to... umm. let's see. More next time!!!


Webkinz Girl said...

Hi!! Ok, i know a great way to get money easy!!I can get you 7,000,000!! I have no idea how i got this cheat i just started typing in random text. I DON"T SCAM I SWARE if u give me your user name and password for webkinz i can get you the 7,000,000 i can't just give you the code its alot of text. So give me your user name and password for Webkinz and in 24 hrs you will have 7,000,000!! If your intrested in this once in a life time cheat, email me now at cutepinkstuff@aim.com
Once again i SWARE I DONT SCAM!!!

Julia said...

hi. my name is Jewels. Here's my username and password for webkinz.

username: cokodoodledoo

password: plaidpants

I hope I didn't get tricked into a scam!!! But I trust you. I'm still gonna change my password after it's there, also. So, I hope this works. Thanks!!!!!!


leigh said...

this better not be a scam ok my username is iluvrabby3
password is 4rabby3

Webkinz_official said...

y dont u just type in the text.....then ill give u my username and pass word!!!i dont want to be scammed so my website is hannahkeyes.wetpaint.com...pz pzplz reply....plz...r u on now ??plz reply!!!

Webkinz_official said...

my username:Saylum
my password:?????(u have to reply first them go to my site....my aim is hkeyes777...we can im each other...kk.....plzplzplzplzplz reply....

Kara said...

my username is kara2012 my password is cheerleading

Webkinz_official said...

u can email me at hkeyes777@yahoo.com......plz....

Anonymous said...

holy fucking shit! are you people mentally retarded?!?!

this is the best (and ONLY) cheat for webkinz.... asking for someone's password to go into and clear out their account!!! if i was any of your mothers, i would NOT be buying you anymore webkinz until you learn to be a little more responsible.

See kids... thats what you get for trying to cheat! You've BEEN cheated! Let this be a lesson to you all.

1) Don't cheat!
2) Don't EVER give your password to anyone!

werdo75 said...

my username is zant5 my password is waden5 please dont scam me

Webkinz_official said...

Hey if you want some cheat codes go to webkinzcheatcodes.blogspot.com....they really are the people that make webkinz!!!there even having a draw to win a webkinz prize!and its all free..

Kittykat050186 said...
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dditty57 said...

this seams so awesome i just cant wait to get that kinz kash ok here is the stuff you need

username: dditty
password: imsohot

please do this and thanks

dditty57 said...

shizzle you suck

kaitlin said...

do not watt for the window to be open

kaitlin said...

do not watt for the window to be open.

ut12ny said...

email me at ut12ny@yahoo.com

XoXOmeGsXluvUxo said...

hey webkinz girl i know ur a scam! listen to me everyone go to google.com and type in webkinz cheats. there is a webkite that gives u cheats and on the home page it says "warning no webkinz cheat requires you to give your password to anyone" it says do not give anyone ur password

believe me please for your sake and for the sake of your webkinz!


if she wasnt then y didnt she just tell you what to type and how to do it thats so easy to figure out!

please believe me im trying to help you guys you wont really get seve million dollars from her please believe me no matter what she says :)


whatever said...


If you want cheats go to http://www.webkinz-cheat.net

for webkinz recipies go to http://www.webkinz-recipes.net

They work and are not scamming you for your password

twinky987 said...

hi this is my user name and password

twinky987 said...

hi this is my user name and password twinky987 callie is so cute757

sunshine49 said...
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sam said...



Webkinz_official said...

This Website is not an official webkinz site .its a HUGE SCAM...the real webkinz site other than webkinz.com......it webkinzcheatcodes.blogspot.com...its the real deal...and we've help (and gotten people over 10000000000000000kinzcash.....bye and have fun in webkinz world ;]

dawson said...

ha i like how shizzle said it, this is so fucking retarded! i mean seriously, why would this chick help u out? if shes greedy enough to cheat then why wouldnt she cheat u out ov ur webkinz account? seriously u guys are bastards if u believe this bitch. and when u guys do get ur account stolen u definitely deserve it!

dawson said...

ha i like how shizzle said it, this is so fucking retarded! i mean seriously, why would this chick help u out? if shes greedy enough to cheat then why wouldnt she cheat u out ov ur webkinz account? seriously u guys are bastards if u believe this bitch. and when u guys do get ur account stolen u definitely deserve it!

unknown said...

i wont tell you my name

i have some advice for everyone reading this
never give out your webkinz password especially to total strangers
if you did did your account get hacked! i bet it did. never give out you password and username!

Em said...
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Em said...

pass word ilovevinny
username widdy1234
please dont use all my money get me alot of cheats and kinzcash

Unknown said...

u gise get ur heads in the game u dont give your pass out to total strangers and she can still type out the cheat she just wants to hack you

injaninja said...

Hi i dont want anyone getting in my account becauz i dont know who you are or anything sooo....email me the text! its not that hard this is how you do it:

get the text and highlight it
hold down CTRL button
press C button
open an email to me
click in typing space
hold down CTRL button
press V button
tell me how to use the text

thanks alot! email me soon!! =D

Unknown said...

yur a scam cause ive tried almost everyone of these usernames anyway and they all have the password changed and ppl wonder why i don't give my username and password,


WebkinzGal said...

Hi ok i know how to get 8,000,672 kinz cash on webkinz and how tho get all the retired webkinz witch meand ALOT of wish tokens! O and i can also get the pet of the month any month even the cheeky monkey of this month JULY!!! just give me your username and password and i can give and of those P.S I DO NOT SCAM! i do this for all my friends and just to tell you it works!

WebkinzGal said...

Hi ok i know how to get 8,000,672 kinz cash on webkinz and how tho get all the retired webkinz witch meand ALOT of wish tokens! O and i can also get the pet of the month any month even the cheeky monkey of this month JULY!!! just give me your username and password and i can give and of those P.S I DO NOT SCAM! i do this for all my friends and just to tell you it works!

WebkinzGal said...

somthing i forgot to add i can add charms too!

112994 said...


hey my name is kayla and i do extreamly well on webkinz i have so much money! and i can get it really quick so if u need help on getting money tell me ur username and password. I HAVE NEVER AND WILL NEVER SCAM IT IS WRONG AND RUDE! so u can trust me i have been scamed b 4 by my ex bestfriend so trust me
i can beat every game there is there are absolutly no cheats in webkinz just awsome games and awsome people!

Kitten9922 said...

ok my username is alyssa0060 and my password is littlekitty hope this isnt a scam because i wouldent want to loose my rare items!

Anonymous said...

no shizzles smart u guys are dumb asses for beileivin this shit it the oldest trick in the book assholes god did your dads and moms drop u on your head when u were litle

kitten9922 said...

thanks! ok thanks to webkinzgal i have 8,247,991 kinz kash! and 19 charms 8 exclusive and 7 rare items! i even have 4 new pets the deer the bluejay the rotweiler and the whismy dragon, whitchever pets u want you can tell her and she will give them to you! she is ahmazing! go WEBKINZGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kitten9922 said...

only let webkinzgal help you, the others are SCAMMERS!

cbodnya989 said...

lasevgas989 u

cbodnya989 said...

I just posted that was so not my info I would never give u my info not in 100 fuckin years!

cbodnya989 said...

I just posted that was so not my info I would never give u my info not in 100 fuckin years!

cbodnya989 said...

I just posted that was so not my info I would never give u my info not in 100 fuckin years!

webkinzgal said...

only trust me okay! get it from kitten only trust me! i am giving away a webkinz snowman code email me at dogluva99229922@yahoo.com and i will put it on your account

kitten9922 said...

webkinz gal just put a webkinz hippo and collie on my account so stop bad-mouthing about her, she is the best person ever and she always gets me kinz kash and has never hacked my account. i am now getting the webkinz daushund soooo oh and she really is giving away a snowman code so ha!

DoggiePupXOXO said...
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DoggiePupXOXO said...

OMG!!!!!! my friend just got me 3,000,000 kinzcash in like a second!....ok not a second but pretty quick! lol just email her at JennySkittlez7@yahoo.com OMG!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I am not here for the cheat. I am here to give advice. U may not scam, but other people can come and scam.

Unknown said...

Oh and i decided my user name is +++++++++++ and my password is @@@@@@@@@@@ people think of u badly. I know y. Have a fun time figuring out my username and password!:)

Unknown said...

thats so easy just give me your user and pass and i can do like 4,000 kinzcash just email me them gracelemons@gmail.com and dont worry i have a webkinz acount of my own and so does my little bro.

Alex Jolley said...

As much as I would like to trust you, this is a Scam. You give out your Password to anyone, and your skrewed.Good luck.

Unknown said...

Here i will even hilight it 27172 Ok now you can trust me. so dont be so scared.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

hey i just gave jujukinch like 400 so ha

matthewaudley said...

youre cheap and who do you think you are .well i know you're not someone i can trust.please learn true ways to be fair. And second of all save your money for once and buy your own webkinz

matthewaudley said...

youre cheap and who do you think you are .well i know you're not someone i can trust.please learn true ways to be fair. And second of all save your money for once and buy your own webkinz

matthewaudley said...

youre cheap and who do you think you are .well i know you're not someone i can trust.please learn true ways to be fair. And second of all save your money for once and buy your own webkinz

matthewaudley said...

youre cheap and who do you think you are .well i know you're not someone i can trust.please learn true ways to be fair. And second of all save your money for once and buy your own webkinz

matthewaudley said...

youre cheap and who do you think you are .well i know you're not someone i can trust.please learn true ways to be fair. And second of all save your money for once and buy your own webkinz

ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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Unknown said...

ya umm here my user is tailpo and pass is newbie

ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...

By the way I changed my user to ampy365 so don't worry I'm not a new user

ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...

Because i'm nice here is a webkinz cheat code for all of you nice smart people. if you type in 117yur5h at the adoption center then log off and SHUT DOWN THE COMPUTER!! Wait for at least 2 hours then go back on. It rumors that if you do it right you will have more kinzcash, pets, and if your lucky items.

ampy365 said...

Want a super bed or maybe ALL the super beds? Here is a cool cheat I used on my account. Go to your room and pres ctrl+m+g and sign off of ur account. It doesn't matter how much time you put in signing back in, but when u do, you will have EVERY piece of furniture in your room, and as i promised EVERY SUPER BED!!

ampy365 said...

Also, when I posted ALL the furniture, I left out a detail. It only gives you all the INDOOR furniture. Luckily, all the super beds are still included how awesome am I now?

ampy365 said...

Ok r u guys ready for yet ANOTHER cheat code? Alright, if you want a love frog try this: Type in the code 4769jd8v then see what happens. If GANZ hasn't deleted this cheat code you will get a love frog (How nice.) So plz with all these cheat code's stop listening to someone that u don't know! Webkinz Girl cuss at me all that u want it won't do any good

ampy365 said...

Yo guys here is another cheat! From your dock click and drag the item you want to duplicate. Do not release the item! Press and hold alt+f1 keys while the item is still being held for exactly 12 minutes. Then ALAKAZM! You know have two of what you used to have!

ampy365 said...

I proved that I am the other user by deleting it's comments and putting it on my new one, beat that!

ampy365 said...


ampy365 said...

By the way shizzle I especailly want you to use this! Why? Because you are awesome for not listening to a scammer and I admire that!

ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...

By the way I think shizzles is right you guys are outta your mind to belive this scammer! If you know whats good for u belive smart people ignore scammers!

ampy365 said...

no offence guys but what if she takes your user and pass and changes your pass so you go on it anymore? Plz think before you act!

ampy365 said...
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liv said...

hey can you please get me alot of money? do u swear you wont scam? because i really just want money and i dont know how to.. soo please.

username: xxoliviiaahxx
pass: alden12345

ampy365 said...

liv listen don't trust her all these people are scammers and liers, so use my cheats I posted and don't listen to scammers. Please for your webkinz sake DO NOT LISTEN TO SCAMMERS!!

ampy365 said...

Hey, guess what? I have 16 webkinz now and 17,098 kinzcash so if you want kinzcash tips get it from a pro, so just ask me to give you tips. You do not need to give me your User or Pass for the cheats. Just ask me how I got so much kinzcash without cheating. Thanks!

FabAl said...

THIS IS A SCAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im giving away a webkinz cocker spaniel u have 2 email me at fernandes.allm@gmail.com with ur username and password and ill put it on ur account!!!!!!!!!!!

ampy365 said...

Al is the scammer, even look on any website for these cheats, AL is just jealous because I'm smarter then him

ampy365 said...

Wait, all were you talking to me or to Webkinz Girl?

ampy365 said...

Webkinz Girl, please tell the truth, if you want webkinz, then just ask me for a cheat. It will give you 36 webkinz. So just ask me and I will e-mail you how to do it.

ampy365 said...

Everyone here is advice anyone who ask you for your User or Pass is trying to scam you! These cheats I have posted are even approved I've looked them up for a long time.

FabAl said...

its not a scam i got 2 webkinz cockerspaniels 4 my b day and i only want one so im giving it away!! here is da secret code: SWCP3RU5 but be quick otherwise it will alredy b used!

ampy365 said...
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ampy365 said...

Sorry I called you a scammer al, but I have 16 webkinz and I don't want to loose them all. Still I don't trust Webkinz Girl do you?

ampy365 said...

Hey guys if you go to www.webkinzcheats.com it will give you lots of cheats.

ampy365 said...

OMG!! I JUST USED A AWESOME CHEAT CODE ON MY ACCOUNT AND I KNOW HAVE 7,987,098 KINZCASH :). IF YOU WANT THE CHEAT TEXT ASK ME TO E-MAIL YOU THE TEXT OMG!!! (I also have other charm, food, and other furniture cheats so just ask about them.)

ampy365 said...

If you want LOT'S of cheats go on to my blogger: http://neokinz-ampy365.blogspot.com/

ampy365 said...

Here is another blogger BETTER cheat post http://neopetswebkinzcheats.blogspot.com

Anonymous said...

i agree with shizzle you should not be giving out your webkinz password!!!

ampy365 said...


AJ said...


AJ said...

and another thing.... ALL WHO AGREE WITH ME R SMART!

Anonymous said...

ampy u post alot lol okay everyone go to http://webkinzhelpandcheats4you.blogspot.com/ i have lots of tips and hints for u to use and i help with any of your webkinz problems!! :)

Anonymous said...

o and most of you r retards for following thiss WEBKINZ GIRL who is a scammer believe me .lol